Tuesday, September 29, 2009

done making books for now

I've got like 12 copies of Jobe the Robot floating around my apartment. Probably I will hold off on making more books until I figure out what to do with these.

Monday, August 31, 2009

more books being made

Yeah, still not with it and hip enough to have the motivation to put up pictures, but I made 4 new books yesterday, and there are 4 more that are almost done but need some good ol' gluing to make them complete and happy.

Try to get around to those tonight.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Yeah, so I haven't forgotten about this. I'm still going strong on the book-making front. This week I made 4 copies of Twisting the Knife. I really only needed one copy, since I don't plan to distribute it to anybody, ever, but it seemed wasteful to not make all 4. Pictures will follow when I get a few spare moments.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What is going on - an update

As you can see, more books have been made. My next project will be to edit Memory Rain and Twisting the Knife so I can have copies of those as well. Also, I will be distributing a few copies of Jobe the Robot to a few lucky people. If you'd like to be one of them, let me know.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

By the way

Btw, here's what that new logo looks like, in case you were wondering.

Still working hard...

Cranked out 3 books so far (my translations of Pinball, 1973 and Hear the Wind Sing, and a copy of Jobe the Robot) and working on 4 more copies of Jobe the Robot today. If you're intrested in acquiring a copy of Jobe the Robot, let me know.


Also, I revised the logo, so there should be a new logo for this blog sometime this week.

There will be more pictures once this current batch is finished.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Printer!!!111

Here's the new beastie in all its beastly glory. I did a test run yesterday, and it printed 2-sided pages (my main requirement for a new printer) so I was basically happy. The downside? It's slow as hell at printing 2-sided pages. But I guess there's always a tradeoff.

More Pictures of Book Number One

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

tweaking and changes

So I made a logo and title image I'm satisfied with for the time being. You can see this up at the top of the page. And I tossed some easy junk over on the right-hand column: a search bar, a survey, some ads, news about UFOs, etc.

It occurs to me that lots of people have written books they would like proprietary copies of. Kind of for the same reasons I do. If you're one of these people, let me know. Perhaps we can work out some kind of understanding.


ninja star logo

I need a logo to put on the books I make, and something snazzy to put at the top of this page when I finally get around to messing with the html. Here's what I've got so far:

first book - finished!

So the first book has been finished. I spent all day yesterday flipping through the pages and twisting it and contorting it to check its durability. The results? It held up pretty well, losing no pages, no cracking. Just like a regular book.

And here's a cell phone pic I took of me shaking the book.

If all goes well tonight, I'll make another one when I get home. I'd like to have a copy of each of the books I've translated and written, so...5 books total.

Monday, August 3, 2009

the book in question...

In case you were wondering, the book being binded (bound) here is my very own translation of Haruki Murakami's Pinball, 1973. Cheers.

Ninja Star, Day 2 -- Continued...

The raw materials.

Everything has been cut.

Glue has been applied, time for clamping.


While we're at it, here's a link to the blog that inspired me and instructed me in this little endeavor.

Thanks for making this guide!


Ninja Star, Day 2

Okay, so...here are the supplies still in their respective boxes. An itemized rundown?

Clamp 7.97
Brush 2.97
Gorilla Glue 4.97
Sandpaper 2.97
Rulers 2.49
Paper 7.49
Card stock 7.99
Paper cutter 69.99

Total (w/tax) 114.82

And that's well w/in my $200 projected budget, even when you factor in the printer ink i've yet to buy. More to follow.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ninja Star, Day 1

So begins the first day in the endeavor known as Ninja Star Publishing. I suppose this first post should be a kind of manifesto, so here goes: the goal of Ninja Star publishing is to guerilla publish some of the books I've written. A side-goal is to have nice-looking paperback copies of some of the translations I've done. At this point, profit is not a goal.

The first step in this process is to produce one book. To do this, I will need supplies, and tomorrow will consist of purchasing those supplies and using them to make the aforementioned one book. This will be a time-consuming effort with little payoff.

Once a satisfactory book is produced, I will make more books.

After I have made enough books, I will place them strategically throughout my city in places where people will be most likely to read them...I'm thinking restrooms.